Green economy has gained a lot of attention as a type of economy that not just focuses on the conventional goal of increasing GDP and output, but that it is equally important to take the impacts of businesses on society and environment both. Read this blog to gain further insight into the type of framework that needs to be adopted by the governments and the associated hurdles that come with this transition.

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Social Sustainability

While it may be a common misconception to associate sustainability solely with environmentalism, the term is broad as it encapsulates several significant concepts. Social sustainability is one of the important facets on which sustainability lies. This blog serves the purpose of explaining social sustainability in more detail since it is the least touched pillar of sustainability.

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Ghana And Climate Change

Although the Global North is responsible for the largest amount of greenhouse gas emissions, it is the developing South world that is bearing the brunt. Read the blog to get a deeper understanding of how one country in Western Africa is experiencing the repercussions of the global climate crisis as well as the programs that have been instituted to grapple with the crisis.

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Living Sustainability

One does not need to wait for governments and big organizations to take actions that support sustainable development. Sustainability is basic; one can engage in acts of sustainability starting from home. Learn the various ways in which a person can start thinking and acting sustainably

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